Finding an answer to questions about your baby’s head shape can be difficult. There are many different opinions amongst health professionals. There is unlimited information available on the internet, but that’s often difficult to interpret. No wonder it becomes confusing.
Does My Child Need a Helmet?
We use a 3D scanner for the assessment of baby head shapes. This technology is the most accurate method available for head shape assessment.
We use this 3D data to analyse your baby's head shape and accurately define a level of severity. This severity level information allows you to make an informed decision about treatment options for your baby.
The scanner utilises a structured light to capture the 3D image of your baby's head shape.There are no safety concerns when using this type of light on infants or children.
Following clinical assessment and a 3D scan of your baby’s head shape, your Orthotist will outline your treatment options.
We aim to provide you with comprehensive information about your baby's head shape, and allow you to make an informed decision about treatment choices.
You may choose to proceed with helmet therapy or return for a review at 4 or 6 weeks.
Although we make lots of Serkel's, we are just as happy to offer advice on how to prevent a flat head in your baby.
Although we fit lots of Serkels, approximately 70% of head shape assessments don’t require anything more than positioning advice for parents and their baby.
Not everyone requires a Serkel to improve their baby’s head shape.
Before you can make a decision, your baby requires a Head Shape Assessment.
Clinical measurement and assessment by our experienced Orthotists allows you to make an informed choice on your baby’s head shape.
Book an assessment today