We can help with immobilization of lower limb fractures and sprains, as well as bracing to provide support when returning to activities after your injury has healed.
Ask your Doctor if a splint or brace might be appropriate for your treatment: It can save a whole lot of itching and discomfort!
CAM walkers are designed to immobilise the foot and ankle. They can be used to treat a variety of foot and ankle conditions including:
- ankle fractures and sprains
- metatarsal and toe fractures
- stress fractures
- tendonitis
- following surgery or plaster cast removal
Sometimes a custom-made brace is necessary for the healing of a fracture. This may be due to size or shape limitations in what is available off-the-shelf. Fracture braces are usually made while you wait, using specialized plastics to form a brace directly to the limb.
Difficult or slow to heal tibial shaft fractures often require a brace to provide ongoing support to the leg. These braces are custom made by taking a cast of the leg and then manufacturing a brace in our workshop.
Custom made fracture braces can also be used at times when a cast or cam walker are not appropriate.
For immobilization of the knee where there is a stable fracture close to or in the knee, Doctors will sometime prescribe a knee-immobilizer. These are a much more comfortable option than a plaster or fibreglass cast. We have a range of sizes, from toddlers to adults
Knee range of motion (ROM) braces are designed so that the amount of movement at the knee can be controlled. The brace can be locked straight or allow a limited to full range of motion at the knee, depending on how it is set up. The amount of movement allowed can also be easily changed over the course of treatment.
In the case of fractures around the knee area a ROM Knee brace may be used. Injuries that might require this brace include, but are not limited to - High tibial fractures, tibial plateau fractures, patella fractures and knee ligament injuries (with or without a fracture). The ROM brace may be used post-surgery or after a cast to allow slow progression in the amount of movement allowed to occur at the knee.
All fracture bracing require a referral from a doctor or specialist physician, if you have a referral contact Orthokids on:
(03) 9836 4480